There is nothing more exciting than finding out the gender of the baby growing inside of you. Eric and I waited until around 20 weeks to find out but it felt line an eternity. I could never be one of those parents who waits until they deliver to find out, I am way too impatient. I still can't believe it... I'm going to be a boy mom!!!
So how did we find out? My sister, Melissa, came to our appointment and was the only one who got to find out that day. They gave her an envelope with the gender and she held on to it until the day of our reveal. She was the mastermind behind most of our gender reveal party but, of coarse, I couldn't help but throw my ideas out there. As much as I love bright colors, I also can't resit all neutrals so I knew I wanted to stick to grays and white when decorating for the party.
My husband and I debated whether to have a gender reveal party. He wanted to find out as soon as possible but I thought it would be fun to do a reveal. After giving it some thought, he decided that if we were going to do it we would have to think "outside the box." We bounced several ideas around and finally came up with the giant baby popping out of the box. We told Melissa (my sister in charge of the big reveal) our idea and she started her planning.
Get the giant baby costume here. |
Melissa finally let us see the envelope the doctor handed her at our ultrasound appointment. |
Days after the reveal, I decided to post our video on my social media accounts for my family and friends to see. Little did we know, it wold soon go viral!!! We never in a million years expected that, it was literally the last thing on our mind and a huge surprise. It was a little crazy and funny to know that a "viral video" out there was actually our video. It will definitely be a cool story to tell our little one once he is older.
Eric and I are so excited to welcome a baby boy into our family. Finding out the gender together with our family and friends was absolutely perfect and a memory I will treasure forever.... How did you reveal your baby's gender?
I leave you with a little video of this special day created by one of my friends, enjoy!
Until next time,
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