Pregnancy has been the most rewarding and amazing thing I have ever experienced. I always knew that one day I would want children, but finally being able to grown a little one inside of me has surpassed any expectation I ever had. Every day I dream of who he will be. Will he look like his daddy or me? What will he grow up to be? I have no idea who he is but I already love him so, so much.
I have never prayed as much as I have these last few months. I pray our baby is healthy and not affected by any stress and hurt my heart and mind may feel. I pray that my labor is fast and without complications. I pray that I am a great mother and example for him. I pray that pregnant women never have to go through a pregnancy without feeling completely loved and nurtured.
I've heard women say "I'm going to miss being pregnant" and I had always found it hard to believe and a bit silly.... well I completely understand it now. I can't believe I am officially three weeks away from my due date. Although I can't wait to hold him in my arms, I am sure going to miss feeling him wiggle inside of me.
In honor of being 37 weeks and possibly "popping" at any moment now, I am sharing some of our maternity photos Anel from Tender Nest Portraits captured a few weeks ago. Also, enjoy a few fun facts about my pregnancy below.
How I found out I was pregnant: Mother nature's monthly visit is usually pretty punctual for me. After being a few days late, I decided to pick up a pregnancy test after work. I took the test as soon as I got home and I think it's safe to say we all know what the result was... POSITIVE :)
How I told Eric: I waited three days to spill the news. I still can't believe I was able to keep it from him for so long. I told him the morning of mother's day and he was completely shocked!!!! I gave him a little gift with a note inside and a separate box that had the pregnancy tests. I was actually able to get it all on camera and I can't wait to show Baby Thomas one day.
Best Part of the First Trimester: Hearing our tiny baby's heartbeat for the first time. I never imagined it would be so magical and it made the pregnancy feel even more real.
Worst Part of the First Trimester: It wasn't terrible at all but I did feel a bit tired at the beginning. I could have probably slept all day if I could but I pushed through and tried to stay as active as my body would allow. I did take naps after work every now and then. I never had morning sickness or nausea and I am so thankful for that!
First Trimester Cravings: I mainly craved my mom's vegetable soup and fresh fruit... especially blueberries.
Best Part of the Second Trimester: Three things. We found out the sex of our baby and got to share it with loved ones. Eric kept saying he wanted a girl but had a felling "he made a boy" lol. I also regained my energy and started going to the gym again instead of taking naps. One of my favorite parts of this trimester was finally feeling Baby Thomas move.
Worst Part of the Second Trimester: I loved the second trimester, it was full of excitement. I felt the most like myself and had tons of energy.
Second Trimester Cravings: There wasn't anything specific I craved besides fresh juice... especially orange and carrot juice.
Best Part of the Third Trimester: A few things. Our babymoon/anniversary trip to NYC, our Baby Shower, putting the nursery together and my favorite part- feeling him kick and wiggle inside of me.
Worst Part of the Third Trimester: Heartburn. Sometimes it's triggered by things I eat but other times I feel like it just comes out of no where. I am also starting to struggle a bit to get comfortable at night.
Third Trimester Cravings: I am still always in the mood for fresh juice and have gone back to always wanting my mom's veggie soup... nothing too crazy.
We are beyond excited to meet our baby boy and already feel incredibly blessed. He is so loved by so many and we are anxiously waiting for his big arrival.
Until next time,
Love all the photos and we can't wait to meet Baby Thomas <3